Monday, December 6, 2010

this is the last blog post

So the last day has come upon us.  "What have I personally learned from this course some" some would ask....I would say many things.  Above all however, I think I learned something pretty decent things about myself.  Me taking this class has made me realize that when I'm forced to do something creative, or have a dead line makes my creative juices flow. I don't tend to do many pieces of art on my own, but when pushed, I feel like I can create something good.  Another major thing I have took from this course is not to rely on the computer side of art so much.  Drawing things out rather than creating things on the computer was a big thing that this class reinforced me to do, and I now can see the benefits. I really enjoyed using illustrator and creating our logo for class, and wished it got more in depth...but I just have a thing for logos.  Over all I am very pleased and satisfied I took this course. With all my other classes being so serious, it was nice to have a class to look forward to, let out creativity, and just strait up enjoy.....even if it was at 8 am.
